Understanding the causes of cart drop-off and abandonment of purchasing process
To achieve that, it is necessary to stay in permanent contact with the users who visit the website. Also their behavior and experience on the site must be investigated. The digital statistics through which you may determine the pages being the most frequently left by the users and being the bottleneck of purchasing process, support basic assessment. To understand the reasons for resignation from purchasing, however, the users' „reviews” should be listened to by gathering comments at the moment when they decide to drop-off the purchasing.
Using the adjusted questions, through the opiniac.checkout survey appearing on the website, the indications on the following issues may be obtained:
What was the most common cause of purchase interruption by users, for example:
- Price levels, lack of quantity discounts
- Other, more competitive offers in the Web
- Long and complicated process of placing the order
- Concerns about transaction safety
- Unattractive date or cost of delivery
- Limited availability and types of payments
- The requirement to register and login
- Errors and technical problems
- Another, quite trivial reasons for users, which may prove to be crucial to non-placing the order in the online store
User problems while shopping:
- Troubles with correct [desired] filling the form
- Lack of clear messages, e.g. regarding the status of the order, choosing the method of delivery or payment method
- Emergence of unintelligible error
- Wrong calculation of price or discount for purchasing the selected products
- Lack of proper redirection to the operator supporting payment for the goods ordered in online store
Additional comments from the user, relating to the encountered problem:
- User's conclusions and remarks, described in his/her own words, for later expert analysis
The answers to those issues will determine what are users' greatest problems in going through the entire purchasing process, and thus what areas should be improved.
The opiniac.checkout survey can be placed on each page containing the process ending with the final goal and on the page with thanks for achieving that goal. Such processes may include e.g. purchasing, registration or newsletter signup.
As a part of opiniac.checkout survey, it is possible to take a screenshot by the user without leaving the page or having to install any browser add-ons.
The survey may be activated when one of the following events occur, indicating discontinuation of purchasing process or encountering a „bottleneck” by the user on the website:
- staying on the webpage for more than a number of minutes defined in the system;
- moving the cursor outside the page active area (e.g. to the address bar, „back” arrow, to the area where next subpage may be opened, to the task bar at the bottom of the screen). It is possible to define the number of coursor moves outside the page area, after which the survey is displayed;
- leaving the purchase processing page and moving to a non-processing page, e.g. to the informative part of the website. For that case, it is also possible to define the number of coursor moves outside the page area, resulting in survey display;
- revisiting the page by the user after a few days – the survey questionnaire is displayed to determine why the purchase was abandoned previously.
opiniac.checkout survey display options:
- Displaying a layer with invitation to complete the survey, with "Yes", "No", "Another time" options.
- “Yes” - displays the survey in a pop-up window. Simultaneously, blocking the display of another invitation is set for the period of 28 days;
- “No” - removes the layer with invitation;
- “Another time” - blocks displaying the invitation to complete the survey for 30 minutes.
- Immediate display of survey layer. The fields adjust automatically to the survey size.
Main benefit from surveying the reasons for purchase abandon:
The opiniac.com Customers have permanent insight into the efficiency and proper functioning of purchasing process. With the use of ongoing reviews monitoring, they can immediately react to the problems posing an obstacle to the realization of purchases by their customers.
Immediate contact
Sales and marketing
+48 503 480 656
Support and Surveys
+48 661 627 620
Address for correspondence
ul. Murarska 59
54-135 Wrocław, Poland