Understanding the reasons for leaving the website.
Those data do not, however, give answer to the question:
- What was the reason to leave the website by the user?
- Did the user find comprehensive information which he/she was interested in?
- Maybe the knowledge was insufficient for the user?
- Did the user find interesting product and only postponed the purchase?
- Or maybe the found product does not meet user's expectations? Or purchasing process occurred to be too complicated for him/her?
To answers those questions, the opiniac.quit surveying tool should be used, which defines the reasons for leaving the website by users. By creating an adequate set of questions in the survey questionnaire, the owner of the website shall gain the knowledge allowing for improving and optimizing the content, navigation and features of the website. The ultimate result is retaining the users for longer by meeting their expectations.
Survey example:
- What is the main reason for leaving the page by the user?
- The user read all the information interesting to him/her.
- The page does not contain the desired content.
- Lack of reliable and comprehensive information.
- Poor content quality, low level of trust among the website users.
- Problems in navigating the website.
- Website visiting was accidental.
- Other reasons that cause problems to the user while using the website, that may be described in a text field.
- What needs to be improved on the website?
- Visitor's findings and remarks, described in his/her own words, for later expert analysis.
- Did any of the following problems occur during visiting the website by the user?
- Slow page loading;
- Erroneous display in the browser;
- Errors in content;
- Unclear navigation;
- Broken link
- Another problem encountered by user, described in his/her own words in the available text field.
- What could prompt the user to re-visit the website?
- User's conclusions and remarks, described in his/her own words, for later expert analysis.
As part of opiniac.quit survey, it is possible to take a screen snapshot by the user without leaving the page or having to install any browser add-ons. See the example.
The opiniac.quit survey can be placed on every page where you want to inquire into the reasons for leaving the website.
The survey may be activated when one of the following defined events occurs, indicating discontinuation of using the website by the user:
- Staying on the webpage without moving the mouse for more than a specified number of seconds/ minutes, and then moving the cursor outside the page area.
- Moving the cursor outside the page area after staying on the website for a specified time.
- Revisiting the page by the user after a few days – the survey questionnaire appears to determine why the website was left previously or how much the user is satisfied of the content found on the website.
Main benefit:
By conducting such survey, owner of the website will stay abreast of users' opinions and expectations relating to: the content of the website, improvement of its functionality, as well as its proper functioning. In this way, the owner will ensure the webpages development adjusted to the users' needs, by timely reactions to continual changes of their expectations.
Immediate contact
Sales and marketing
+48 503 480 656
Support and Surveys
+48 661 627 620
Address for correspondence
ul. Murarska 59
54-135 Wrocław, Poland